Monday, July 13, 2015

...From the Mission President

July 13, 2015
Dear Sister Clawson:

Congratulations on your call to serve as a Sister Training Leader in the Idaho Boise Mission.  Your faithfulness and contribution as a missionary has been exemplary and this calling is a further expression of the Lord's trust and confidence in you to bless, lead, and strengthen those to whom you have been called to serve.

As a Sister Training Leader, you must continue to be exemplary in every area of missionary service.  You must show absolute loyalty to the Lord and to your mission leaders.  You must continue to keep all mission rules and encourage the same from all of those within your stewardship.  You must work hand in hand with local leaders to develop trust and confidence.

As a Sister Training Leader, you are responsible for the training and welfare of the sisters that are assigned to you.  In addition, we ask that you maintain a vibrant proselyting area in addition to working with other sisters.  Please conduct a companionship exchange with the sisters assigned to you every six weeks.  Report the results of those exchanges directly to me.

Sister Clawson, this mission will never rise above the work ethic, teaching skills, obedience, and spirituality of its leaders.  I trust and depend on you to move this great work of "gathering" forward.  Together, I know we can perform miracles for the Lord!  Congratulations, once again, on this high and holy calling in the mission.  May the Lord bless you always.

Sincerely yours,

President John Q. WinderIDAHO BOISE MISSION

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