To start off one of the Sisters in our district went home early because of depression but shes doing so much better now! Which is great!!! So we took her to the mission office on Monday and off she went. So we are in a tri now and i love it!! We had a huge Saint Patrick's Day celebration over at our ward mission leaders house and we had 3 families but one of the families who werent members didnt show but it was a great FHE tho! We shared a message about the Atonement to start off the Easter season sooner! I really feel like thats how it should be! Starting the easter season off right after Saint Patties! So you have longer to think about the wonderful gift of the Attonement! Tuesday we had the new missionary meeting which was great!
In 4 days we had taught 24 lessons!!! The Lord has blessed us so much with guidence to those in both of our wards that we need to see! SO we went into this horders house and Sister Del nero and Sister Gummow had to sit on a bench and I got a little bit of a couch. they had the cutest little puppies!! The funny thing tho is when the puppies both pooped right in front of the sisters by their feet!!!! It smelled soooo bad!! But the little girl Daisy wants to be baptized!!!!!!
So Wednesday morning Sister Del Nero had locked herself out of the house but didnt ring the door bell so she decided she would knock on our window, which if you know me I'm terrified of looking out the window and seeing someone outside! One of my biggest fears! So we live in the basement and i was studying and herad the bangs but thought it was just people getting ready upstairs so I ignored it. It wouldnt stop so I looked up the stairwell to see if the door was locked and closed and there was nothing so I looked into our bedroom and I realized it was coming from the window! So I go into the bathroom where Sister Gummow is getting ready and tell her to come look out the window because I was too scared! S she did and there was nothing there so we go back to what we were doing and there was no sound for about 10 mins which then I thought it was just me hearing things. She goes to make her bed which is right by the window and the banging starts again! Her eyes get soo wide and we book it upstairs!!!! We look out the family room window and there she is sitting on the grass with a towel on her head!!! She had been outside for about 45 mins!!!!! She was soooo mad when we let her in!! We couldnt stop laughing tho!!!!
On a more spiritual note we had a lesson with one of our investigators, Joseph and man, it was AMAZING!!!!! The spirit was stronger then I have ever felt it when I was prompted to invite him to be baptized! He said that he wasnt sure if he could...I couldnt speak cuz the spirit was so strong and then he continued his thought and honestly I dont really remember what exactly he said next because of how strong the Spirit was! His friend's dad, who is now Bishop Young, explained the order of events from the time that Christ was born to his death to the Aposticy to the Reformation of the Catholic church to when Joesph Smith restored the gosple back to the earth! and Joseph understood more about what makes our church different. So we are praying that he understands and feels the truth of the gospel!
I had my first exchanges this week! They were great! We got sister Hughes and Sister Del Nero went to the other area ( Sister Hughes' comp is from AZ! ) I learned so much and I grew so much! I was put in charge of my area so I had to decide things and focus on inspiration more than I ever have!!! My confidence as a missionary sky-rocketed with her there!!
On Sunday all three of us gave a talk. I'll type mine up and send it home next week! We are going hiking in just a bit so don't have much time! I love you all and miss you tons! But I know I am where I need to be! Oh, one more story we met this guy last night that we were refered to and he's into old cars and he has a model T that he wants to give us a ride in!!! I'm so stoaked!!! He emailed his son who is a stake prez that night and his son sent that email to my mission prez and he called us this morning and read those emails to us that basically said to not stop going to see him and just remind him of God's love for him and that we are doing an amazing job! We just talked with this guy and shared a scripture, sang, and said a word of prayer. What simple things can change people's lives!!!! I challenge all of you to do something simple to reach out to those around you this week!!! And email me what you did and what came out of it even if all you get in return is a smile then tell me! I want to hear about your missionary opportunities and how your testimony can grow through doing these simple acts of kindness now. I love you all!!! Have a fantastic week!!! :)
<3 Sister Ashley Clawson!!!!!!
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